
You cannot live gracefully while your home feels messy and things around are just random. It would all reflect on you, your looks, the vibes within, and how others perceive you. Your home decor, cleanliness, and way of life choices affect your state of mind and how you feel inside and outside. Therefore, claiming you are too busy to exert the right effort towards what would nourish you is an attitude that would leave you tired and restless.

I have thought about the importance of pinpointing ways how to imbue your home with splendor and how critical it is for us to be conscious of the effect our surroundings have on our total wellbeing. So what to consider to attain a positive lifestyle, and what are the things to make you feel calmer, happier, and more positive?

Here are the five ways, the whats, and hows to help you imbue your home with splendor and make you want to wake up ready every day. It will all reflect on how you feel about yourself and how others might perceive you. Remember that it is all about the choices we make.

The Five Ways (Whats & Hows)

1. Cleanliness

Cleanliness is the base or surface we need to start creating a proper setting. It is just like our need for sound logic to present a valid proposition! Of course, if you’re resting up by not cleaning, you won’t believe how tired you will be rather than relaxed because you cannot build your comfort on an invalid assumption. Our ability to understand the order of things should help us prioritize what should come first, and this would make our life much more productive.

How: I have written previously that it’s not easy to feel good without a routine of deep home cleaning and that the secret is in forming a habit. Just as bad habits negatively impact our lives, good habits lead us towards a successful one in the shorter and longer run. So, we have to start somewhere. We need to start with gradual adjustments and prioritize a routine of weekly home cleaning. We can do that by slowly and deliberately forming a habit of it. It is better to fix things slowly. Start by making tiny yet effective adjustments because our minds can handle the gradual positive changes more adequately than trying to fix everything in a small amount of time.

2. Clutter-Free Home

What: Clutter indicates our attachment to an empty materialistic world. It weighs so much, not only as objects but even on the light flow of energy that we need to retain in order to focus and resile. Clutter is everything in our houses that is unuseful and not beautiful. Recognize it and decide to get rid of it.

Begin decluttering your home by recognizing the clutter and then believing in the drawbacks it can have on your life. It is entirely possible to have a clutter-free home so start by inspecting everything you no longer use or like all around the house. Liberate your space and remove every excessive possession that has weighed on your life and energy for too long.

3. Harmonious Home

What: The harmonious home is the place you want to retire to so you enjoy a moment of peace and feel like you are daily recharging. It is to have this space where everything around is breathing positive energy and that you are getting the chance to feel that this place is your actual retreat.

How: To get the feel of a harmonious home, you must consider many aspects. First, you have to ensure that the materials you choose for your furniture and accessories are commonly natural. Also, they have to be organized around in a way capable of creating a vivid and organic space. Second, allow nature to reflect itself by letting in the typical lighting level. Bring the sunlight to your home and fill it with natural light in the daytime, and when the night comes, allow the evening to create a warm and relaxing atmosphere. Third allow your sensations to enjoy the coziness of candles, organic essences, soft music, and natural fabrics. My advice is to create a space where you can enjoy what makes you feel good and safe. Maybe it is a drawing corner, a yoga room, or a place to read and meditate; whatever it is, make sure it is always quiet and inviting. Lastly, make sure to fill your home with the power of nature. Plants and flowers are a great source of positive energy, so allow your home to breathe it in.

4. Balance

What: Balance is more of a thing that you must achieve from within on a personal level, or it won’t be easy to feel it. There are three basic dimensions to achieving balance; these are mental, emotional, and physical. Remember that anything you want to change in your home to support any endeavors of personal transformation will be of great help.

How: Personal transformations happen when we have the well to understand the importance of achieving balance, from taking care of our mental health to planning physical activities and keeping our relationships sound and healthy. Many crucial resolutions are available here for you to check and contemplate. My advice is to think of all home sections and ensure that you have the space for home members to feel that balance can happen. Seek to establish a place where to spend sacred personal and family time. For example, make mealtime a precious time where you can sit down together for supper and take turns sharing the day’s events.

5. Longing

What: Great moments happen when good memories grow over time to become our nostalgia. It is how we fill our home with celebrations of all kinds and enjoy the beauty of moments we create. So now you have your home cleaned and clutter-free, harmonious, and in balance, it is time to ensure such a place is so inviting and full of love.

How: To make your house a home, believe that you are a team member of your family and make sure the decisions you take can attain the greatest good for all. Fill this home with beautiful personal mementos such as favorite books, items you have collected from your travels, photos to remind you of time spent creating notable milestones, and a felt aura of attitudes capable of making life worthy of living.

There is, obviously, a new definition of luxury. To get a glimpse of how things have changed, I will be covering the issue thoroughly in the following researched article and talk about luxury redefined. I would love to hear from you, and I thank you for being my inspiration.

4 Responses

  1. Clearly, there is a new definition of luxury.

    What a profound definition.

    Thank you very much for this article. The truth is that I would never have thought of my home in such a different way had it not been for this short but valuable article.

    I had always seen my home as something I had to just buy, but never as a place that should become my own oasis that provides both protection, comfort and inner balance.

    It’s funny because I had always thought that having a big house was about having a lot of material things, expensive things, like a pool, fancy furniture, etc.

    But I had never seen a house as a kind of sanctuary, whose main purpose is not to please others, but to give you a space to be well, both externally and internally.

    Thank you for this valuable information.

    • The beautiful thing about good communication is that it reminds us of important things that busy life can make us forget. Thank you for passing by, and glad it could give you an insight.

  2. A positive lifestyle, is very needed in order for us to be healthy. It we are too stressed with life, it causes depression and results in a lack of motivation. Happiness is important because contentment is a factor that keeps our hopes and energies high. Face the mirror, greet the morning and say, ” You are very special. There is only one of you. Today is a break through day for me. Today I will set some goals and acheive them! Being positive will bring you great results!” Thank you for all the tips on generating this positive energy throughout the day in our homes. These will be incredible for many to apply in their living situations!

    • Thank you for stopping by, and indeed it is our utmost goal to be and feel happy. Positivity is crucial, and once mastered through some sincere efforts, it will pay off for the person and their surroundings.

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